.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _theme-customization: =================== Theme Customization =================== The theme provided by this package is prepared to be integrated into the TYPO3 documentation website. Templates are written in Twig_ and uses components provided by `phpDocumentor/guides`_. The theme is using Bootstrap_ as a base framework. You can find the theme in ``packages/typo3-docs-theme``. Templates can be found in :file:`packages/typo3-docs-theme/resource/template/`. To customize the components provided by `phpDocumentor/guides`_ you have to follow the directory structure of the templates provided by this package. Every template can be overwritten by creating a new template with the same name in the same directory. The template engine will automatically use the new template. In the template you always have the current ``node`` available. This node is the element that is currently rendered. The node is an instance of :php:`phpDocumentor\Guides\Nodes\Node`. Every template has a different specialized node. Consult the template of the node to see which properties are available. When you are creating a template for a node that is a container (like a chapter) you can access the children of the node by using ``node.children``. This is an array of nodes. You can iterate over this array to render the children using the ``render_node`` function. This function will render the node using the correct template. Build Sources ============= To build the public assets execute the following commands: .. code-block:: shell ddev ssh cd packages/typo3-docs-theme npm ci npm run build Or use the custom ddev commands: .. code-block:: shell ddev npm-ci ddev npm-build Debug assets ============ You can build the assets for debugging with the following commands: .. code-block:: shell ddev ssh cd packages/typo3-docs-theme npm ci npm run debug Or use the custom ddev commands: .. code-block:: shell ddev npm-ci ddev npm-debug The generated assets are copied directly into :file:`Documentation-GENERATED-temp/_resources` and source maps are not removed. Upon inspection in the browsers web developer tools you can therefore see in which source scss file certain styles were defined. Before committing you must run :shell:`npm run build` so that you can commit the generated asset files into the theme. .. _Bootstrap: https://getbootstrap.com/ .. _phpDocumentor/guides: https://github.com/phpDocumentor/guides .. _Twig: https://twig.symfony.com/