..  include:: ../Includes.rst.txt

..  _migration:


If you want to migrate from using Sphinx to render TYPO3 documentation
using the render-guides, the file :file:`Documentation/Settings.cfg` has to be
replaced by an XML file, :file:`Documentation/guides.xml`.

To facilitate migration the extension `t3docs/typo3-guides-cli` in this
mono-repository comes with a Symfony console command to automatically migrate
the outdated :file:`Settings.cfg`.

After migration, you can add your :file:`guides.xml` file to your custom repository,
and optionally also remove the old :file:`Settings.cfg` file.

With official Docker container

..  note::

    Work in progress - Note that we will use `:stable` at a later point to always provide stable
    images with a locked dependency and theme asset set.

To migrate your settings to the new rendering method, run the following
command in your project's root folder:

..  code-block:: shell

    docker run --rm --pull always -v $(pwd):/project -it ghcr.io/typo3-documentation/render-guides:latest migrate Documentation

The last option is the folder (here: :file:`Documentation`). When running the
command from another folder than the project's root folder, adapt the given
path accordingly.

With make

To migrate your settings to the new rendering method, run the following
command in your project's root folder:

..  code-block:: shell

    make migrate-settings path=Documentation

When running the command from another folder than the project's root folder,
adapt the given path accordingly.

With ddev

To migrate your settings to the new rendering method, run the following
command in your project's root folder:

..  code-block:: shell

    ddev composer make migrate-settings path=Documentation

When running the command from another folder than the project's root folder,
adapt the given path accordingly.

With PHP

To migrate your settings to the new rendering method, run the following
command in your project's root folder:

..  code-block:: shell

    packages/typo3-guides-cli/bin/typo3-guides migrate Documentation

The last option is the folder (here: :file:`Documentation`). When running the
command from another folder than the project's root folder, adapt the given
path accordingly.